Transforming Power


Have you ever felt the pressure of the chrysalis against your idea of yourself? The call to explore, imagine and align yourself in some new way, overwhelming your need to continue as you are. An undeniable push to change?

Then, comes the reality of actually making the change. The old metaphor of “turning the Titanic,” speaks vividly to the fact that change is tough. But as has been said in wisdom circles, “the teacher appears when the student is ready”.

And that’s when Yoga really appeared in my life. When I most needed it.

I think we all wrestle with some aspect of ourselves that is self-limiting. Personally, my “true self”, the one who’s potential knows no limit, was compressed. Contracted by a barrage of past experiences that upheld a framework of inhibiting beliefs, and with remarkable fortitude! In response, I was crowded by my own demeaning thoughts and therefore bound by a structure of diminishing returns–my personal fortress of limitations. The reality of this showed up as habits that supported my self-deprecating beliefs. Choices I was making consciously or unconsciously that perpetuated my story.

I knew, it was time for a change.


Yet, beneath this fortress of mine, there lived a spark, a desire to realize the truth of my power and my personal dream. A desire to inhabit my body, breath, and life in a way that lays claim to my divine birthright and acknowledges the beauty of the life within me. Give me the power that is free to evolve, with my heart as my guide, into the great truth and revelation that is this life, infinite in its creative power and exponentially resourceful in its ability to renew. Simply said, my highest self wanted me to love and trust myself. My highest self wanted permission to belong.


But how?

If not for the tools and practices of Self-knowing, the opportunity for change lies dormant, buried beneath the constructs of self-identity. This is where I was stuck. I was “asleep”, unaware of my power to create change. I’m talking about real change here. Not just superficial change. Not a change of environment, job or relationship. I’m talking about changing myself. Changing my belief. Believing that I am a being worthy of love.

Change comes from a persistent desire to transform, but without a guide to orient in the direction of shift, we remain ineffective in our efforts. The elements of positive structure need to be in place to overcome stagnant energy and align with the living light of potentiality as we desire. But how can I overcome the stories I’ve heard, created, and believe, to experience the fullest expression of life?

You have the key to unlock the Universe.
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”― Aristotle

For me, yoga has been the pathway to true Self-knowledge. A path to diving deep beneath the surface of what I believed to be true about myself and in doing so, revealing the truth of who I am. An unlimited being supported by the energy of all things. A being supported by love. And in this journey of becoming, I have also learned this-


Aham means “I am”. Not the small “I'“, or the individual “I”. Not the me versus you “I”, but the '“I” that exists at the heart of all creation. The “I” that knows no limits. The “I” that I am in my highest expression. “Pratybhijna Hrydayam” means the “Splendor of Recognition” and my yogic path has only begun to reveal the measure of possibility, the splendor of it all.

Aham So Hum (I AM THAT)

I AM the transforming power.
Aham Viryam. (I AM courage)
Aham Agniye. (I AM the fire of transformation)
Aham (I AM POTENT-iality)

Why not join me on this journey of uncovering the truth? While it is a very personal journey, as we travel together along this path of expansion we have exponential effect upon each other and the greater whole. Change yourself to change the world!

Let’s learn to truly LOVE. Begin by loving the self and end up loving all beings and all of creation as you.

Photo Credit: ©Joanie Schwarz

Kristin Taylor